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Swimming pool liner replacement

When damaged, your in-ground or above-ground pool’s liner may cause problems to your pool’s structure, not to mention a loss of pleasure! Replacing a pool liner of is no small feat, but René Pitre’s experts can do this for you, efficiently, worry-free.

Contact us to book an appointment and discuss the wide selection of styles, colors and patterns with our specialists.

Information needed prior to replacing your liner:

Above-ground pool liner models

Here are all the liner models available for an above-ground pool.

In-ground swimming pool liner Blue Slate StreamstoneBlue Slate Streamstone In-ground swimming pool liner Great Lake Atlantic StoneGreat Lake Atlantic Stone In-ground swimming pool liner Saint-Paul Street MidnightSaint-Paul Street Midnight

Liner models for in-ground pools

Here are some models, but our in-store expert consultants will be able to show you the full range of models and colours offered by our distributor.

Here are a few liner models available for an in-ground pool.

In-ground swimming pool liner Bali / Blue GraniteBali / Blue Granite In-ground swimming pool liner Blue BonairBlue Bonair In-ground swimming pool liner Blues SlateBlues Slate In-ground swimming pool liner Butterfly Effect PearlButterfly Effect Pearl In-ground swimming pool liner Carnegie Cobalt FusionCarnegie / Cobalt Fusion In-ground swimming pool liner Cayman Mystic / Light-BlueCayman Mystic / Light-Blue In-ground swimming pool liner Corolla Beach / Stardust-BlueCorolla Beach / Stardust-Blue See all liner models
In-ground swimming pool liner Courtstone Blue / Stardust BlueCourtstone Blue / Stardust Blue In-ground swimming pool liner Courtstone Grey / Stardust GreyCourtstone Grey / Stardust Grey In-ground swimming pool liner Coventry / Cobalt FusionCoventry / Cobalt Fusion In-ground swimming pool liner Disco PearlDisco Pearl In-ground swimming pool liner Durago / Grey MosaicDurago / Grey Mosaic In-ground swimming pool liner Eclipse AmberEclipse Amber In-ground swimming pool liner EsagonoEsagono In-ground swimming pool liner Falling Esagono / Gray CrystalFalling Esagono / Gray Crystal In-ground swimming pool liner Grey BonairGrey Bonair In-ground swimming pool liner Gulf Coast / Tan SeastoneGulf Coast / Tan Seastone In-ground swimming pool liner Hampton SeaglassHampton Seaglass In-ground swimming pool liner Indigo Marble / Blue GraniteIndigo Marble / Blue Granite In-ground swimming pool liner Indigo Marble / Blue GraniteIndigo Marble / Blue Granite In-ground swimming pool liner Legends / Cobalt FusionLegends / Cobalt Fusion In-ground swimming pool liner Panama / Royal PrismPanama / Royal Prism In-ground swimming pool liner PearlstonePearlstone In-ground swimming pool liner ReefReef In-ground swimming pool liner Royal AmberRoyal Amber In-ground swimming pool liner ReefRoyale / Blue Mosaic In-ground swimming pool liner Summerwave / Cobalt FusionSummerwave / Cobalt Fusion In-ground swimming pool liner Terrazzo / Electric AquariusTerrazzo / Electric Aquarius In-ground swimming pool liner Tulum / Mayan MosaicTulum / Mayan Mosaic In-ground swimming pool liner Vintage Mosaic / Blue MosaicVintage Mosaic / Blue Mosaic In-ground swimming pool liner Whitehaven / Crystal QuartzWhitehaven / Crystal Quartz

Above-ground swimming pool hung liner

The anchoring system is integrated with the liner and installation is performed by correctly inserting the hooks into the slots. This installation is easy and allows adjusting any time.

Above-ground swimming pool suspended liner

The liner is folded 6 to 8 inches over the pool wall and then secured with plastic locks. The only thing left to do is to install the rails and it’s done.

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