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Swimming pool and outdoor spa water analysis

Water quality is paramount for your bathers’ pleasure and safety. A Piscines René Pitre technician may visit you to perform a free analysis of your pool or spa’s water. This expert will make a detailed report on your water’s quality and will advise you and offer you professional tips!

Your water is analyzed in-store using four chemical factors. Did you know? René Pitre analyses the pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness and level of cyanuric acid.


It is both the most important chemical factor and the easiest one to adjust. It is the measurement of active acid and base in the water. We measure the quality, not the quantity of acid or base. The pH is different from total alkalinity.

The ideal pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8. To increase the pH, you add pH+ in the water, and to lower it, you use pH-.


It's the water’s ability to resist changes in pH and neutralize acid. Alkalinity is composed of carbonate, bicarbonate and hydroxide. When alkalinity is too high, the pH will tend to follow; if it is too low, the pH is unstable.

The ideal alkalinity range lies between 80 and 120 ppm (parts per million).

To increase alkalinity, just add Alcalinité Contrôle; to decrease it, the product to use is muriatic acid.

Calcium hardness

The amount of soluble calcium salt in the water. If calcium hardness is too high, calcium may cloud the water, create stains or deposits on the pool or spa’s walls or on peripheral equipment. On the other hand, a too low calcium hardness will cause lots of foam and can create corrosion, deteriorate metal parts, create spots, and even cause concrete to erode.

Calcium hardness measurement should be between 200 and 240 ppm.

Calcium+ is used to increase it; to decrease it, the recommended products are Sequa Sol or Control Cop.

Cyanuric acid

This is the protective shield that slows the evaporation of chlorine.

The optimal level for cyanuric acid ranges between 30 and 50 ppm.

To increase the level of cyanuric acid, simply add stabilizer granules or UV Defense sticks once or twice a season.

Main chemicals

All chemicals require careful use to be safe and effective. Therefore, carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask our in-store technicians.


A chemical compound that is designed to eliminate the presence and growth of microalgae. When opening the pool or spa, or in cases of severe infestation, you must use 40% or 60% concentrated algaecide. For regular maintenance, 5% or 10 % algaecide is designated. Note that you can regularly use 40% or 60% algaecide, which is more efficient, since it’s more concentrated. No kit allows you to measure the amount of algaecide in the water. We strongly recommend against the use of algaecide at low concentrations; you will need to put more in, which is expensive. Never pour algaecide directly into the skimmer, which is bad for the sand. In addition, if you have a chlorinator or you use of Duration capsules, a chemical reaction may occur.


A flocculation agent that maintains the water’s clarity and transparency. Its use is particularly recommended when the pH is very high (tip): make sure that your pH is at 8 before using it. Alum binds particles in suspension in the water and deposits them at the bottom. You then just use the vacuum cleaner in the Drain or Waste position to remove these deposits. Alum is only recommended for pools using sand filters and has a tendency to throw the water’s balance off.


More commonly known as calcium chloride, this product is used to increase the water’s hardness and prevent corrosion. It must ALWAYS be diluted with water.


This product eliminates bacteria, algae and fungi that form in water. The chlorine becomes hypochlorous acid upon contact with water. Oxygen molecules bind to organic materials to eliminate this unpleasant water smell.

Chlorine is available in several forms: granules, pellets, sticks, and in several sizes.

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